A 200-hour registered school for the training of yoga teachers:
Yoga scholarship course is an important part of ancient India! Moreover, this is part of the Hindu tradition and culture, and therefore we want everyone to know this beautiful culture of India, easily crossing a great obstacle to money.
Let's go, we'll help you at the intersection of this obstacle! How?
Sanskar Yogshala, a recognized and registered school of yoga in Rishikesh, India offers a scholarship program for a 200-hour training course for yoga teachers for only $ 799. This means that now you can get a degree of RYT (registered yoga teacher) for less.
Remember that we are reducing the cost of yoga ttc does not mean that we are reducing the way of teaching! All the same; teaching, methods, methods; all, except the price.
Yoga is that beautiful world in which almost everyone wants to enter as a teacher! This scholarship program makes your desire True and offers you the opportunity to study a 200-hour yoga course in Rishikesh, India. We will send you on a journey from "Beginner to Veteran" for only $ 799.
200-chasovaya zaregistrirovannaya shkola podgotovki uchiteley yogi: kurs stipendii
Yoga - vazhnaya chast 'drevney Indii! Boleye togo, eto chast 'induistskoy traditsii i kul'tury, i poetomu my khotim, chtoby vse uznali etu prekrasnuyu kul'turu Indii, legko peresekaya bol'shoye prepyatstviye den'gam.
Poydem, my pomozhem tebe v peresechenii etogo prepyatstviya! Kak?
Sanskar Yogshala, priznannaya i zaregistrirovannaya shkola yogi v Rishikeshe, Indiya predlagayet stipendial'nuyu programmu 200-chasovogo uchebnogo kursa dlya uchiteley yogi vsego za 799 dollarov SSHA. Eto oznachayet, chto teper 'vy mozhete poluchit' stepen 'RYT (zaregistrirovannogo uchitelya yogi) za men'sheye kolichestvo.
Pomnite, chto my umen'shayem stoimost 'yogi ttc ne oznachayet, chto my umen'shayem sposob obucheniya! Vse odinakovo; prepodavaniye, metody, metody; vse, krome tseny.
Yoga - eto tot prekrasnyy mir, v kotorom pochti vse khotyat voyti v kachestve uchitelya! Eta stipendial'naya programma delayet vashe zhelaniye istinnym i predlagayet vam vozmozhnost 'izuchit' 200-chasovoy kurs obucheniya yoge v Rishikeshe, Indiya. My otpravim vas v puteshestviye ot «Nachinayushchego k veteranu» vsego za 799 dollarov SSHA.